Bustin’ Brandon is a Fan of A Fly On The Ball

From political satire to sports parody, Brandon partakes in “Grow a Parody’s Nuts”!

A plethora of merchandise that can be purchased from the website called, A Fly On The Ball. 

Bu11$#!t News Network (BNN) gets an interview with Brandon before the big fight night. Critics are calling this match Bustin’ Brandon as he’ll be going 17 rounds with his contender. 

Read the full interview by BNN. 

Interview #1

Brandon: Corn pop was a bad dude!

BNN: Brandon, the interview just started, why would you randomly say that?

Brandon: Mmm bmmmmm ma ma-mhmmmmmm, you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier!

BNN: Oh-kay…

We are here with Brandon today. 

Brandon who spends a lot of time in his basement of his home we must wonder, what does he do with all that time on his hands?

As the Resident of the United States, he sure does take a lot of time off, too. How does he ever get any real work done as the Mr. Resident?

Brandon, what is your response to that?

Brandon: I’m only doing this because you promised me chocolate chocolate chip!

BNN: Brandon, we never promised that!

Speaking of promises, you promised you would cut taxes and the economy would improve, we have seen the exact opposite is of that.

What is your response?

Brandon: uh, ummm I, I’m a real man…I did that. 

BNN: You did what Mr. Resident?

Brandon: Look, tackling the economic plan happens to be a three-letter-word: jobs. J-O-B-S. 

BNN: That’s not…never mind, let’s move on. 

Brandon: How about that ice cream?

BNN: I don’t have ice cream Mr. Resident. 

This is an interesting interview…okay, next topic. 

Insiders leak, “Brandon caught reading sports parody A Fly On The Ball.”

The Resident of the United States of America, Brandon is in his basement reading A Fly On The Ball all day long. Also, many have concerns of Brandon’s ability to serve as Mr. Resident. 

Brandon, is this true?

Brandon: Mmm ummm humph…

BNN: Moving on…

The website’s main slogan is, Grow a Parody’s Nuts! 

It seems clear that Brandon partakes in the brands merchandise. This indicates he’s clearly a fan of the sports parody website.

Bustin Brandon Swamp Nuts Hat
Here, Brandon is sportin’ the Swamp Nuts ball cap

Paparazzi took this photo of him at a Corvette car show in Pebble Beach, CA near 17 mile drive with A Fly On The Ball tote bag under his arm. Clearly Brandon is rockin’ the merchandise, and it proves he’s definitely a fan!

Bustin Brandon Corvette Car Show

Mr. Resident, how did you find the website for sports parody A Fly On The Ball and how long have you been a fan?

Brandon: I eat, sleep, and shit in the basement, and one day when I was board I was down there on my computer sniffing my computer screen, and…

BNN: And?

Brandon: And, what? That’s it.

BNN: Do you have anything further to say?

Brandon: I once sniffed Bruce Jenner.

BNN: Oh-kay…moving on!

Political opponent Donald Trump eludes to a ‘lock him up’ approach for the crimes committed by you, Brandon. He also hints that your cell mate would be with the infamous Corn Pop, who is currently being held in Guantanamo Bay. 

Brandon knows how bad Corn Pop is as we have frequently heard him say “Corn Pop was a bad dude!”, just as we’ve heard him say at the beginning of this interview. 

What is your stance on that, Mr. Resident?

Brandon: Look fella, my opponent is going to be the next president of the United States.

BNN: You don’t think you’ll win the next election?

Brandon: If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black. 

BNN: Okay, let’s move on. 

Other reporter’s question Brandon as to why he spends the majority of his time in the basement. 

His response in an earlier interview, “I try to avoid walking up stairs since I have a tendency to trip on steps. I like bike riding but sometimes I fall off my bicycle. It’s dangerous for me out there and the basement feels safe”. 

Mr. Resident, is your previous statement true?

Brandon: I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy. Can I sniff you?

BNN: Sweet Lincoln’s mullet! Seriously Mr. Resident, are you even here with us today? 

Never mind, next question…

Mr. Resident, we understand that you are going to be fighting tonight. Some say they expect you’ll get whipped in tonight’s match and they’ll remember you as Bustin’ Brandon. 

How are you feeling about tonight’s boxing match?

Brandon: I ma mum, must poop my pants. 

BNN: Thank you Mr. Resident, this interview is over!

BNN Interviewer (hot mic): Get this mic off of me. I’m done with this mumbling…

He’s going to poop his pants. If he wasn’t…I’d punch him in the mouth!

This is the worst interview of my career. We all know what Brandon thinks of us all. Nobody likes you, Brandon!

But, we love A Fly On The Ball, we as fans all approve!

Bustin Brandon A Fly On The Ball Merchandise
Brandon’s 1967 Corvette Stingray filled with A Fly On The Ball merchandise. Photo taken at the Pebble Beach, CA Corvette car show.

Brandon mumbling in the background as he walks off the news network set, “my butts been wiped”!

Grab your A Fly On The Ball merchandise here, https://aflyontheball.com/shop/

Play the game Bustin’ Brandon, here


Read the interviews that made Brandon and (Hot Mic) Mike go viral with their back and forth banter.

Bull$h!t News Network Interviews

BNN's First Interview with BrandonBustin' Brandon is a Fan of A Fly On The Ball
BNN's Second Interview with BrandonBrandon Goes to the Super Bowl